From consul­tancy and plan­ning to system opera­tion – All from a single source
Rain­water, grey­water and black­water are resources for water, energy and nutrients.
Water recy­cling and nutri­ents recovery

Waste­water is a resource for water, energy and nutri­ents. Our aim is to avoid waste­water to a large extent, reduce it and recycle it.

Heat recovery

More heat is lost via a 15 cm waste­water pipe than via 1000 m² well-insu­lated buil­ding enve­lope. With decen­tra­lized heat recovery from grey­water, this heat gap can be closed.

Rain­water management

No two projects are iden­tical. Depen­dent on the loca­tion, rain­water can be utilised to produce high-quality drin­king water or as a non-potable water source in buil­dings, industry, for cooling purposes, irri­ga­tion or only for infiltration.

Consul­tancy and system operation

The most severe errors usually occur at the beginning of the plan­ning process. We consult and plan inde­pen­dent of manu­fac­turer. Consult us at an early stage in your project.

Process and opera­tion optimisation

Accu­rate moni­to­ring is a crucial requi­re­ment for resource effi­ci­ency and lower opera­ting costs. We opti­mise the opera­tion for industry as well as for public and private clients.

Rese­arch & development 

For our indus­trial clients as well as project part­ners from diverse national and inter­na­tional rese­arch projects we are a compe­tent and reliable cooperation partner since many years.

With us – ecology and economy is no contradiction!